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  • Writer's pictureEthan/Austin

Writing is Magic

"Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is free. So drink. Drink and be filled up." Stephen King, On Writing

I am a constant learner of myself. Many times I'll find out something new about me, something I've never noticed before, sometimes interesting, sometimes scary, and sometimes the things I learn are good.

The last months have been the hardest of my life. Calm and clear skies come sometimes, but I can't always count on them to keep me afloat. It's something I've learned about myself.

But I've learned another thing. Now, more than ever before, I've learned that I enjoy writing. I can't think of a day going by, good or bad, where I don't spend a couple hours at my glass-top vanity I use as a desk, writing at least a little bit. I've been doing it for weeks now.

Today marks the first time I've ever filled out an entire composition notebook--that's 160 pages--of a single piece of fiction. Better yet, there is much more in this story that I have to say.

I have dozens of friends and family members who have been incredibly patient and kind with me as I've worked through my funk. Thank you for letting me be me, for inspiring me to keep working on what I love. I don't have plans to publish this book, but I know that there are plenty of other stories I want to create.

Shout out to my friend @mollyriggs_author for also inspiring me to be more active on social media, hopefully to grow a following before I really do publish something or another. Hope she doesn't mind me stealing some of her hashtags.

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